//14 - Convert Events with Parameter

	    Retrieve plug-in parameter values

	    Call GetParameter() with the parameter name to return a value (number object)
	    with the parameter's current value. GetParameter() is typically used inside
	    the "HandleMIDI function" or "ProcessMIDI function"

	//This example converts modulation events into note events and provides a slider
	//to determine note lengths

	NeedsTimingInfo = true;

	var PluginParameters = [{name:"Note Length"}]; //create a slider (default range
	                                               //0.0 - 1.0)

	function HandleMIDI(event) {

	    //if event is MIDI cc1 (modwheel)
	    if(event instanceof ControlChange && event.number == 1) {

	        var note = new NoteOn; //create a NoteOn object

	        //since modwheel's range is 0-127, and pitch range is 1-127
	        //convert a modwheel value of 0 to 1
	        if(event.value == 0)
	            event.value = 1;

	        note.pitch = event.value; //use cc value as note pitch
	        note.velocity = 100; //use velocity 100
	        note.send(); //send note on

	        var off = new NoteOff(note); //create a NoteOff object that inherits the
	                                     //NoteOn's pitch and velocity

	        //retrieve the parameter value of the slider you created (add 0.1 to
	        //guarantee note on and off are not simultaneous
	        var delayInBeats = GetParameter("Note Length") + 0.1; 

	        off.sendAfterBeats(delayInBeats); //send note off after the length in
	                                          //beats is set via the slider