//10 - Event Detection

	    JavaScript MIDI object

	    The MIDI object contains a number of convenient and easy to use functions
	    that can be used when writing your scripts.

	    Note: the MIDI object is a property of the global object, which means that 
	          you do not instantiate it, but access it's functions much like you
	          would the JavaScript math object. An example is calling 
	          MIDI.allNotesOff() directly.

	    MIDI object properties:

	    noteNumber(string name) //returns the MIDI note number for a given note name.
	                            //for example: 'C3' or 'B#2'
	                            //note: you cannot use flats in your argument. Use
	                                    A#3, not Bb3

	    noteName(number pitch) //returns the name (string) for a given MIDI note

	    ccName(number controller) //returns the controller name (string) for a given
	                              //controller number

	    allNotesOff() //sends the all notes off message on all MIDI channels

	    normalizeStatus(number status) //normalizes a value to the safe range of
	                                   //MIDI status bytes (128-239)

	    normalizeChannel(number channel) //normalizes a value to the safe range of
	                                     //MIDI channels (1-16)

	    normalizeData(number data) //normalizes a value to the safe range of MIDI
	                               //data byes (0-127)    

	//pass events through and send all notes off message when receiving controller 20
	function HandleMIDI(event) {

	    //pass through the event

	    //if the event is a MIDIcc 20 
	    if(event instanceof ControlChange && event.number == 20)
	        MIDI.allNotesOff(); //send all notes off message