//9 - NeedsTimingInfo and GetTimingInfo

	    JavaScript TimingInfo object

	    The TimingInfo object contains timing information that describes the state of
	    the host transport and the current musical tempo and meter. A TimingInfo
	    object can be retrieved by calling GetTimingInfo()

	    TimingInfo properties:

	    TimingInfo.playing //uses boolean logic where "true" means the host
	                       //transport is running.

	    TimingInfo.blockStartBeat //a floating point number indicates the beat
	                              //position at the start of the process block

	    TimingInfo.blockEndBeat //a floating point number indicates the beat position
	                            //at the end of the process block

	    TimingInfo.blockSize //a floating point number indicates the length of the
	                         //process block in beats

	    TimingInfo.tempo //a floating point number indicates the host tempo

	    TimingInfo.meterNumerator //an integer indicates the host meter numerator

	    TimingInfo.meterDenominator //an integer number indicates the host meter

	    TimingInfo.cycling //uses boolean logic where "true" means the host transport
	                       //is cycling

	    TimingInfo.leftCycleBeat //a floating point number indicates the beat position
	                             //at the start of the cycle range

	    TimingInfo.rightCycleBeat //a floating point number indicates the beat
	                              //position at the end of the cycle range

	    *note: The length of a beat is determined by the host application time
	           signature and tempo.                    

	//print the beat position while the transport is running

	var NeedsTimingInfo = true; //needed for GetTimingInfo() to work

	function ProcessMIDI() {

	    var info = GetTimingInfo(); //get the timing info from the host

	    	//if the transport is playing
		  if (info.playing)
			    Trace(info.blockStartBeat); //print the beat position