//7 - Event Creation

	    JavaScript Event Object

	    When the "HandleMIDI function" is called, an Event object represents one MIDI
	    event and implements the following methods you can call in your script:

	    Event.send() //send the event

	    Event.sendAfterMilliseconds(number ms) //send the event after the specified 
	                                           //value has elapsed(can be an integer 
	                                           //or floating point number)

	    Event.sendAtBeat(number beat) //as above, but uses the beat value as a delay 
	                                  //in beats from the current position

	    Event.trace() //print the event to the plug-in console

	    Event.toString() //returns a String representation of the event //sets MIDI channel 1 to 16. Note: is an
	                          //event property, rather than a method

	    The Event object is not instantiated directly, but is a prototype for the 
	    following event-specific object types. All of the following types inherit the
	    methods described above and the channel property. The event types and their
	    properties are passed to HandleMIDI as follows:

	    NoteOn.pitch(integer number) //pitch from 1-127

	    NoteOn.velocity(integer number) //velocity from 0-127. A velocity value of 0
	                                    //is interpreted as a note off event, not a
	                                    //note on.

	    NoteOff.pitch(integer number) //pitch from 0-127

	    NoteOff.velocity(integer number) //velocity from 0-127

	    PolyPressure.pitch(integer number) //pitch from 1-127. Polyphonic aftertouch
	                                       //is uncommon on synthesizers

	    PolyPressure.value(integer number) //pressure value from 0-127

	    ControlChange.number(integer number) //controller number from 0-127

	    ControlChange.value(integer number) //controller value from 0-127
	                                        //tip: use MIDI.controllerName(number) to
	                                        //look up the name of the controller

	    ProgramChange.number(integer number) //Program change number from 0-127

	    ChannelPressure.value(integer number) //aftertouch value from 0-127

	    PitchBend.value(integer number) //14-bit pitch bend value from -8192 to 8191
	                                    //a value of 0 is center

	//Replace every MIDI event with a modulation control change message
	//Tip: you can use the JavaScript "new" keyword to generate a new instance of an
	//Event object of any type.

	function HandleMIDI() {

	    var cc = new ControlChange; //make a new control change message
	    cc.number = 1; //set it to controller 1 (modulation)
	    cc.value = 100; //set the value
	    cc.send(); //send the event
	    cc.trace(); //print the event to the console